Seven sisters from the sea.

Our team. An enthusiastic group of professionals who want to share their time out on the water with you.

Sussex Boat Trips. An award winning venture. Something owner John Simcock has wanted to achieve all of his life.  Historically, he’s spent the past 23 years working within the tourist industry but at 1400m above sea level, in the French Alps.  The recent global situation meant it was time for a change.  Time to start fulfilling dreams!

His background and education within the maritime sector and love of power boating led to his position as a Commercially Endorsed Advanced Powerboat Instructor and a Yachtmaster (Power).  He also volunteers for the RNLI as a Navigator on the Newhaven Lifeboat and is training as a future Coxswain.

Living locally, he spends many hours at sea and feels privileged to be able to witness the incredible white cliffs of the Seven Sisters and all of the wildlife the area has to offer.  He’s also aware of the sheer number of people who head to the South Downs National Park each year to get a glimpse of the cliffs from on land.  Nothing compares to the view of the cliffs from the sea and it’s his vision to give everyone the possibility to experience his view.

“Nothing compares to the view of the cliffs from the sea.”

In our first year, coupled with the many years of experience we have out on the water, we had the backing of the Ramsey Island team from St Davids in South Wales.  Their expertise at running sea safaris and sightseeing tours over the past 25 years has made us a formidable force.

Having an idea to completely breakaway from what you’ve done for over two decades requires two things. Some calculated madness and people in the wings you can trust in to ensure that your dreams don’t just stay that but become reality.

I’ve known Neil Young since school and we even ventured to New Zealand together before life sent us in different directions. However, Neil’s always been there in the background to bounce ideas off and he became a great supporter of Sussex Boat Trips from Day One. Thankfully, he’s remained onboard ever since.

When not on the boat nor organising our advertising and marketing, Neil is passionate about helping people to healthier and more energetic lives through personalised exercise programmes and tailored dietary advice. Check out his website at

Many of you who’ve already been onboard will have met Dom Scoles. An integral part of the lifeguard team on Seaford Beach, it’s our privilege to have his expertise onboard.

He’s an extremely accomplished powerboat helm and is often out on the boat each weekend. As an RYA Advanced Powerboat Helm, he allows John to talk even more than usual to those wanting to learn about the area’s flora and fauna… or “cliffs, birds and dolphins” as we like to call them on Instagram.

His Italian roots and love of the water make him a wonderful addition to the team.

We had a sensational start in 2021. So much so that we were voted Best New Tourism Business at the Beautiful South Tourism Awards 2021/22.

The awards are judged and presented by Tourism South East, representing Visit England in this region. Their judges came to witness what we do first hand and were simply bowled over by their experience with us. Coupled with our customer testimonials on the various review sites we’ve all come to love, they rightly decided that we were to be awarded the top spot at a glitzy presentation ceremony at The Grand Hotel in Brighton.

To say that we were delighted with the recognition for all of our hard work over the first 18 months was an understatement.

Come along and join us to see what all of the fuss is about…!

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It also came as no surprise to discover that we’d been awarded a TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award for 2021, followed in quick succession by a TripAdvisor Travellers’ Choice Award for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

This puts us in the top 10% of businesses worldwide based on the reviews from those who’ve joined us onboard over the past two years. A huge thank you to all those of you who have taken the time to share your fabulous feedback via TripAdvisor in particular.

TripAdvisor is the world’s largest travel guidance platform helping hundreds of millions of people every month become better travellers. As you know, adventurers across the globe use the TripAdvisor site and app to discover where to stay, what to do and where to eat based on reviews from those who have been there before. With more than 988 million reviews and opinions of nearly eight million businesses, travellers turn to TripAdvisor to read about exciting experiences such as ours.

Kanika Soni, Chief Commercial Officer at TripAdvisor said “Congratulations to the 2022 Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice Winners. The Travellers’ Choice Awards recognise the best in tourism and hospitality, according to those who matter most: your guests. Ranking among the Travellers’ Choice winners is always tough — but never more so than this year as we emerge from the pandemic. Whether it’s using new technology, implementing safety measures, or hiring outstanding staff, I’m impressed by the steps you’ve taken to meet travelers’ new demands. You’ve adapted brilliantly in the face of adversity.”

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Wind turbines.

Our love of the outdoors stems from many differing activities both past and present.  Working in such a fragile environment makes it even more important that we do all that we can to look after the marine ecosystems and geological integrity of our local surroundings together with the wider world.

However, it’s clear for all to see that we have two very large engines fitted to our RIB which don’t go hand in hand with our ecological ethos.  When choosing which engines we fitted to the boat, we leaned heavily towards those that offered the best fuel savings and in turn, produced the least pollution.

We have several schemes in the pipeline to help minimise our environmental impact but our greatest strength to combat the issue will be you, our passengers.  Whilst out on the water with us, you’ll be able to see exactly how climate change is badly affecting the Sussex Heritage Coast as coastal erosion gathers momentum in the region.  The cliffs are regularly battered by large waves from huge storms and their demise is well documented.

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Our ideology is simple.
To reduce coastal erosion through the slowing of climate change.

Whilst onboard, we’ll help point out subtle lifestyle changes we can make as individuals in order to reduce our impacts on our precious climate.  By making a few tiny changes in our daily lives, an enormous difference can be made collectively.

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