Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click on the question below and you will be shown to the relevant answer. However, if there’s anything you’re still unsure about, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Where do we meet for our boat trip?

Our boat’s location can be found by clicking here.

Please be at the top of the slipway opposite Simpson Marine’s boatyard approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled start time of your trip. We do not have an office in the marina so your skipper will simply meet you here.

What3words: proved.tweeted.shared

Please do not make your way down to the boat before you’ve been given your life jacket and safety briefing.

What should we wear?

It is normally a little cooler out at sea so please wrap up warm as you’ll enjoy the experience so much more if you’re nice and snug.

Comfy trousers, t-shirt, fleece and a splash proof coat are highly recommended unless the weather’s absolutely glorious. We do not recommend wearing skirts, dresses or similar as life jackets have an additional strap that needs to be secured between your legs. Trainers are perfect but if you’re happier in flip flops or wellies then they’ll do just fine but please avoid wearing heels as they’re not suitable.

We’ll provide everyone with a life jacket.

Will I get wet?

There’s a good chance that you may get wet as the boat will often be cruising at speed but, as a rule, the vast majority of our trips stay nice and dry. However, being an open boat, we may encounter some spray from time to time, especially if it’s windy.

Please do remember your coat, just in case.

What else do I need to bring along?

Apart from some nice warm, comfortable clothes and a waterproof jacket as mentioned above, sunglasses, a camera and a pair of binoculars are also a great idea but not a necessity. Please remember that anything you decide to bring onboard is done so at your own risk.

What if it’s raining?

Don’t worry if there is a shower as our trips still go ahead in the rain. We’re very used to changeable weather in the UK so please do dress appropriately.

However, should we take the decision that it’ll be too wet for you to properly enjoy your trip, we’ll notify you in advance to provide several alternative options.

What if my trip is cancelled?

Should we have to cancel your trip due to unusually rough sea conditions, we will gladly reschedule your booking for a later date. If you’re only in the area for a short period of time and therefore can’t make another time, we’ll happily issue you with a full refund.

Please be aware however, our terms and conditions do state that should you cancel a booking within 24 hours of your scheduled departure, regrettably no refund can be provided if your seats remain unsold.

Likewise, should you fail to arrive at the scheduled time of your trip, we will still have to charge you.

What is the minimum age allowed onboard?

We recommend that passengers should be at least four years old. Any younger than this and we don’t feel they will get the most out of the trip and may not enjoy the ride.

We would suggest that all members of your party are at least 10 years old for our offshore trip to the Rampion Wind Farm as it can be a little daunting if you’re not used to being so far out to sea.

However, if you believe that your younger children are used to boats and will therefore have a great time, simply give us a call when booking and we’ll gladly add them to your party.

Is there somewhere to park close by?

We have parking available right next to our meeting point on West Quay. However, albeit at a very reasonable cost, as you have to pay for this via the PopPay app, most choose to park in any of the other surrounding streets as this is free.

The closest and most accessible free parking is in Fort Road, adjacent to the recreational ground (What3words: nails.laughs.pint).

Parking on the gravel area next to the slipway outside Simpson marine is reserved for berth holders only.

Are there toilets available where you meet?

We have no toilet facilities within the marina.

However, the public conveniences are situated at the junction of Fort Road and Court Farm Road just a one minute walk away (What3words: bluffing.shark.blissful).

Is there access to the boat for passengers with mobility issues?

Absolutely. Our boat is kept in a marina and there is access to the pontoon via a ramp. However, at low tide this maybe particularly steep so these times should be avoided where possible. We can offer guidance for this so simply give us a call for further advice if needed.

Assistance would be recommended at all times as getting on and off the boat requires a bit of effort. Our staff will gladly help where necessary but please note that due to the compatibility of the boat, wheelchairs cannot be accommodated onboard. All passengers therefore need to be comfortable sitting on either a two person bench seat or single jockey type console.

We aim to make all of our experiences accessible to all but please call our office if you have any prior concerns.

Is the boat trip suitable for me as I’m pregnant?

Unfortunately not. The sea can be somewhat unpredictable at times so even though our helms are highly experienced, it may occasionally get a little bumpy. It is for this reason that we would recommend that you do not join us until your child is old enough to come along too.

What if I have a problem with my back, is a boat trip recommended?

Regrettably not. Even though our helms are highly experienced, it may get a little bumpy from time to time. It is for this reason that we and the medical profession would strongly recommend that you do not undertake a boat trip of this kind.

Can I just turn up if I haven’t booked?

Yes you can as our staff can easily sell you a ticket on the day. However, we’d definitely recommend that you try and avoid doing so at busy times as most of our trips are fully booked well in advance.

Booking via this website is really simple but if preferable, have a look at our contacts page if wanting to speak to us directly.

Can I bring my dog?

We’re huge fans of dogs at Sussex Boat Trips so you’re welcome to bring your four legged friend along if none of your fellow passengers object. They have to be well behaved and not likely to embarrass themselves or their owners whilst on the water though!

Please remember it’s sometimes the case that they aren’t all that happy with the sensation of being onboard and we won’t be able to simply pop them ashore during the trip.

Someone kindly bought me a gift voucher for one of your trips. How can I redeem it?

Our gift vouchers make a fantastic present and can be bought via our gift vouchers page. If you would like to use one to pay for your trip, simply enter the unique code on the voucher when you come to the payment page and the amount will be automatically deducted from the total price of the tickets.

If you have a question not answered above please contact us.

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